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What is Augmented Reality (AR)? | AR Tutorials for Beginners | Unity

  • In the previous lesson on the series of lessons about Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR), we became familiar with the concept of Virtual Reality. In this lesson, we'll learn about Augmented Reality (AR) and we will become familiar with different methods to implement it.
    The reading version of this video is in the link below:
    🌐 www.mecharithm.com/what-is-augmented-reality-ar/
    Note that Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) lessons are gathered into a playlist for your convenience.
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    #virtualreality #augmentedreality #camera #unity #gameengine #VR #AR #VRinRobotics #ARinRobotics #unityhub #robotics #learningvr #learningar #ARfoundation #ARtoolkit #GPSBasedAR #handdetection #imageprocessing #locationbasedAR #objectdetection #locationbasedARwithoutGPS #opencv #robotmotion #teleoperation #visionbasedcontrol #vuforia #wikitude

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