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The Importance of Self-Care for Early Care and Education Professionals

  • Many professionals who support children and families have a tendency to focus on everyone else's needs first, but this can diminish their effectiveness over time. In this video, hear individuals from a variety of "helping professions" describe why taking care of your own needs is so critical for preventing burn-out and ensuring long-term effectiveness, and get ideas for taking care of yourself both at home and at work.
    Visit our website for discussion and reflection questions to help staff identify self-care strategies that work for them and make action plans to stay physically and mentally healthy and ensure wellness over time. Our website also includes suggestions for using this video in a college course or for student teachers. www.easternct.edu/center-for-early-childhood-education/professionalism/self-care-for-ece-professionals.html
    Copyright 2020 by the Connecticut Office of Early Childhood. Produced by the Center for Early Childhood Education at Eastern Connecticut State University. This video may only be used for educational purposes. It may not be used for commercial purposes and may not be edited or adapted without written permission from the Center for Early Childhood Education. For more information, visit www.easternct.edu/center-for-early-childhood-education/about-us/contact-the-cece.html

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