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Remote & online education in trying times: Sharing and learning from each other

  • In this panel discussion, organized in collaboration between AIM, WDH, AcPS and IPSF, global colleagues will share experience in providing remote and/or online didactic education and assessment, both knowledge and skills-based. Some panelists have done so recently, in response to COVID-19, while others have been educating in this manner for several years. Significant time will be provided for a question and answer session, further allowing participants to learn from each other.
    Learning objectives:
    1. Discuss the differences between “remote” and “online” education and assessment, noting how each can be applied under current and future conditions;
    2. Share remote and online methods to provide both knowledge- and skills-based content, and formative and summative assessments;
    3. Discuss implementation tips, challenges and rewards in providing remote and online education, considering student, faculty and regional differences.

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