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Wellness: Break the Cycle  | Tyla Kennedy | TEDxOcala


1 month ago

  • Tyla has seen Americans fill there car with the most expensive gas and best oil then drive their vehicle straight through the dollar menu, as if what they manifested on the outside is worth more then the vessel that carries their souls. Tyla is a 29 year old local business owner and entrepreneur. She is a self made millennial. Born in New York and raised in Ocala, Florida, for the past twenty years. She's in the top 4% of her network marketing company, where she educates others about Nutrition and wellness. She has helped the community lose over 10,000 pounds over the past 4 years on her journey. Tyla's vision for herself is to help save the world from obesity by teaching others about self-worth, health, love and happiness. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx

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