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Software as a Service (SaaS) Agreements! LAWYER Explains Main Clauses, What to Expect, and More!


1 month ago

  • Wondering what the term SaaS means? Wondering what is covered in a Software as a Service Agreement?
    In this video, business lawyer Pamela Metani explains the contractual activities governed by SaaS agreements, provides examples of SaaS companies you are likely already working with, and provides a detailed overview of some of the most important clauses and sections you can expect to find in an SaaS (Software as a Service) agreement.
    Small business owners can also benefit from videos in this playlist: www.youtube.com/watch?v=E85CFxve6fM&list=PLzIkMCRqQXOMu8qqyZoNcRNfD0xWAD_jx
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    Email: info@graphenebusinesslaw.ca
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