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AboutFace The Performe
Was ist eine Blockchain?
Im Blocktrainer 1x1 erkläre ich dir leicht verständlich die Grundlagen zum Thema Kryptowährungen und dezentralen Technologien!
Viel Spaß!
Over the past few years, a lot of cars sit on dealership lots or at staging areas waiting to be sold but never do. The number has been increasing, but what happens to these new car
In the previous lesson on the series of lessons about Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR), we became familiar with the concept of Virtual Reality. In this lesson, we'll
Blockchain. The revolutionary technology behind Bitcoin can also change the way elections are conducted, healthcare data is collected and even the way public records are managed by
Learn what is the domain name, URL, web page or webpage, website, www or world wide web and web hosting and what is the difference between them. Defined and explained.
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